DH-A1L 技术参数总功率Total Power4900W上部加热功率Top heater800W下部加热功率Bottom heater第二温区1200W,第三温区2700W(加大型发热面积以适应各类P板)数显恒温铬铁80W电源powerAC220V±10% 50/60Hz外形尺寸DimensionsL650×W700×H650 mm定位方式PositioningV字型卡槽,PCB支架可X方向调整并外配*夹具温度控制方式Temperature co*olK型热电偶(K Sensor) 闭环控制(Closed loop)温度控制精度Temp accuracy±2℃PCB尺寸PCB sizeMax 500×450 mm Min 22×22 mm适用芯片BGA chip2X2-80X80mm适用**小芯片间距Minimum chip spacing0.15mm外置测温端口External Temperature Sensor1个,可扩展(optional)机器重量Net weight48kgFeature:1.Embedded Industrial PC, high definition touch screen interface, PLC co*ol, and instant profile analysis function. Real-time settings and actual temperature profile display can be used to analyzed and correct parameters if necessary.2.It uses precise K-type close circuit co*ol and automatic temperature adjustment system, with PLC and temperature module to enable precision temperature co*ol of ±2 degC. External temperature sensor enables temperature monitoring and accurate analysis of real time temperature profile.3.V-groove PCB support for rapid, convenience and accurate *itioning that fits for all kinds of PCB board.4.Flexible and convenient removable fixture on the PCB board which protectsand prevent damage to PCB. It can also adapt to rework various BGA packages.5.Various sizes of BGA nozzles, which can be adjusted 360 degree for easy installation and replacement;6.Three temperature areas can independently heat and are multiple co*ollable and adjustable to ensure best integration of different temperature areas. Heating temperature, time, angle, cooling and vacuuming can all be set on the interface.7.There are 6-8 levels of variable and constant temperature co*ols. Massive storage of temperature curves which are Instant accessible according to different BGA. Curve analysis, setting and adjustment are all accessible via touch screen. Three heating areas adopts independent PID calculation to co*ol heating process to enable more accurate and precise temperature co*ol.8.It uses high powered blower to enable fast cooling of PCB board and prevent it from deformation. There are also internal vacuum pump and external vacuum pen to assist with fetching the BGA chip.9.Laser *itioning, fast and effectively fix PCB10.USB output interface.11.Equipped with constant temperature digital display soldering iron12.Including Voice "early warning" function. 5-10 seconds before the completion of uninstalling or welding, voice reminder / warning to get the workers prepared. Cooling system will start after vertical wind stopped heating. When the temperature drops to room temperature, the cooling process will stop, so that the machine will not age after heated up.13.CE certification, with emergency switch and automatic power-off protection device when emergency happens.DH-A1L主要性能与特点: ● 嵌入式工控电脑,7寸高清触摸屏人机界面, ARM32位微处理器,上部和下部风扇转速从0~*任意可调;具有瞬间曲线分析功能. 实时显示设定和实测温度曲线,并可对曲线进行分析纠正;● 高精度K型热电偶闭环控制和温度自动补偿系统,整机控制电路,功率输出与控制系统采用光电隔离技术;采用PID自整定系统实现对温度的精准控制,保持温度偏差在±2℃.同时外置测温接口实现对温度的精密检测,并实现对实测温度曲线的*分析和校对;● PCB板定位采用V字型槽,定位快捷、方便、准确,满足不同PCB板排版方式及不同大小PCB板的定位;● 灵活方便的可移动式*夹具对PCB板起到保护作用,防止PCB边缘器件损伤及PCB变形,并能适应各种BGA封装尺寸的返修;● 配备多种规格合金风嘴,该风嘴可360度任意旋转定位,易于安装和更换;● 上下共三个温区独立加热,三个温区可同时进行多组多段温度控制,保证不同温区同步达到*焊接效果。
加热温度、时间、斜率、冷却、真空均可在人机界面上完成设置;● 上下温区均可设置8段温度控制,可海量存储温度曲线,随时可根据不同BGA进行调用,在触摸屏上也可进行曲线分析、设定和修正 ; 三个加热区采用独立的PID算法控制加热过程,升温更均匀,温度更准确;● 采用大功率横流风机迅速对PCB板进行冷却,以防PCB板的变形;同时内置真空泵,外置真空吸笔,以方便快捷取拿BGA芯片;● 配置声控“提前报警”功能.在拆卸、焊接完成前5-10秒以声控方式警示作业人员作相关准备,上下热风停止加热后,冷却系统启动,待温度降至常温后自动停止冷却。
保证机器不会在热升温后老化;● 通过激光定位,快速有效地安装固定PCB板;● USB输出接口,实时输出及拷贝温度曲线;● 双进口LED灯无影照明;● 配有恒温数显烙铁;● 经过CE认证,设有急停开关和突发事故自动断电保护装置.标签: 深圳市返修台 深圳市返修台厂家广东深圳市深圳市返修台厂家配置数显电烙铁三合一BGA返修台震撼上市