结合电子工业用水连续生产的特性,采用了全膜法处理工艺(UF+RO+EDI)完成高纯水的制备工作; The electronics industry with the characteristics of continuous production of water, using the entire membrane treatment process (UF + RO + EDI) to complete the preparation of highly pure water work;▼对于电子行业用水的特性,增强了对水中二氧化硅、重金属和有机碳的脱除;For the water features of electronics industry , enhanced to removal silica, he*y metals and organic carbon in water.▼采用了氮封水箱解决了电子工业用水要求较高,水的储存容易污染问题;Using nitrogen sealed water tanks to solve the problems of electronics industry require a higher water use, water storage easy to pollution ;▼采用进口反渗透膜,脱盐率高,使用寿命长,运行成本低廉,产水水质高而稳定;Adopted import reverse osmosis membranes, desalination rate is high, long service life, the operation cost is low, the output water quality is high and stable. ▼在线水质监测控制,实时监测水质变化,保障水质安全;On-line water quality monitoring and co*ol, real-time monitoring of water quality to ensure safety of water quality. ▼全自动电控程序,还可选配触摸屏操作,使用方便,操作简单、安全;Automatic co*ol procedure, also equipment with touch screen operation, easy to use, the operation is simple, safe. ▼切合当地水质的个性化设计,设想周到的堆叠式设计,占地面积小,全方位满足需求。
Correspond with the local water personalized design, considerate stackable design, small floor area, which can meet considerate needs.标签: 上海市清洗超纯水设备 上海市清洗超纯水设备厂家上海市上海市上海市清洗超纯水设备厂家低压电器生产清洗用超纯水设备报价