产品介绍:Trek Model 156A 离子风扇检测仪/TREK156A离子平衡分析仪是定量地分析离子风扇工作效能的,具有两种检测模式(衰减时间和平衡度), 在衰减模式中可以自由设定启始和结束电压. 产品详细信息:TREK 156A离子平衡测试仪离子平衡测量仪,主要用于监控离子产生器及离子风扇的工作效率。
产品型号:156A 制造原厂:Trek, Inc.监测电压范围: 0 - ±1100 V DC 或 AC峰值 小信号响应频率: DC - 1 kHz (测量范围在 20 V p-p). 大信号响应频率: DC - 10 Hz (测量范围在 2000 V p-p) 三位半LED显示,可任意设定衰减时间起止电压值,有大小两种测试板可供选择,内置可充电电池 The Trek Model 156A Charged-Plate Monitor System is designed to provide quantitative measurements of the effectiveness of air ionization systems, as to audit ionizer performance.The Model 156A employs a revolutionary chargedplate monitor design that utilizes an ultr*igh-impedance, high-voltage follower to monitor the ion collecting plate voltage. This technique provides very high accuracy and virtually infinite impedance lo*g of the plate, while allowing the ion collecting plate to be charged and monitored through the same smalldiameter connection. This technique also makes the measurement capacitanceindependent of the physical size and shape of the ion plate. Therefore, the size and shape of an ion collecting plate, as well as the measurement capacitance, may becustomer specified to match a particular ESDsensitive device within a manufacturing process, or it may be made to conform to theEOS/ESD Association Standard STM3.1-2000. by incident ion flow to the ion collecting plate from the measured ion field. 标签: 苏州市分析检测仪 苏州市分析检测仪厂家江苏苏州市苏州市分析检测仪厂家供应TREK156A离子风机性能分析检测仪