德国易昂(E.ON)是德国在化工、纺织和涂层产品行业中排名居前的公司,拥有高科技的工艺技术和*的生产、研发能力。 本公司产品规格齐全,*。我们本着以*产品为用户服务的宗旨,真诚地欢迎国内外朋友共建美好、共创辉煌。 易昂主要产品系列: —— 建筑膜材料(应用于大型体育场馆、运动场、景观造型等不同跨度建筑) —— 装饰膜材料(应用于汽车顶蓬、汽车内饰、室内装修等) —— 休闲膜材料(应用于充气玩具气垫、帐篷、游艇设备等) E.ON, a German company, who is in the chemical industry, textile and coating products, The industry of the top companies, has high-tech technology and strong production, research and development ability. The company product variety , quality excellent. We in line with the aim of by the high quality product for the user services, sincerely welcome friends both at home and abroad to create a wonderful future The following are E.ON’s main products: --- Architectural membrane material (used in large sports venues, sports ground, different span such as landscape architecture) ---- Decorative membrane materials (used in truck canopy, car interior trim and interior decoration, etc.) --- Leisure membrane material (used in air cushion, tents, inflatable toys, The yacht equipment, etc.) 膜材料 进口膜材 德国膜材 建筑膜材 装饰膜材 休闲膜材 pvdf膜材 亚克力膜材 广东深圳市宝安区深圳市宝安区宝民一路286号鸿景园5栋C单元804