• 属地:浙江
  •         恒阳烫画始创于2008年,是一家专业从事热转印烫画研发、生产、销售为一体 的公司。主要产品有高弹泳衣烫画、热升华渗透转印、高温柯式烫画、低温PET烫画、 PVC人造皮烫画、发泡烫画、金/银葱烫画、水洗唛等,普遍适用于服装、T恤、泳装、 文化衫、玩具、鞋面、箱包等。本公司技术实力雄厚,品质优良、服务热情,产品立 足浙江远销*各国和地区。 为适合市场对品质的更高要求,我司不断改良技术,引进高端设备,提高产品质量, 以适应客户要求为标准,恒阳烫画本着“环保、安全、健康”的宗旨,全部采用国际* 标准的环保原材料,力求产品符合国际*安全要求,赢得新老客户的信任好评,我们用 *良的技术和设备,不断开发新产品,用**诚挚的心与您共创辉煌! Established in 2008,Hengyang Transfers company is a group company and specializes in the development,manufacture,sales,service and support for heat trnasfers such as swimwear heat trnasfer,sublimation heat transfer,hectograph heat transfer,PET low temperature transfer,PVC leather heat transfer,puff heat transfer,gold/silver heat transfer and label heat transfer,etc.Which can be applied in cloths,T-shirts,swimwear,toys,shoes,bags,etc.We enjoy a good reputation in the world for its excellent quality. In order to meet customer s, increasing needs,we constantly improve technique and i*oduce advanced equipment.With the pur*e of green,safety,health,we are very strict in the source of raw material,which are all green and comform to the international standard.We are trying more effort to welcome new customers. Now come on,we are sure that you will be in interested in our products.With the most sincere heart for you to create the glory!
    浙江 温州市 金银铂烫画  热转印  热升华  烫画  植绒烫画  柯式烫画  反光烫画  丝印加工 
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