  • 属地:广东
  •     广西!海南!贵州!诚征市级品牌代理!有实力琴行或批发商请联系我 刘经理18948569958 德尚乐器有限公司于2005年在中国香港成立,于2010年成产部落定中国惠州。是一家集研发、生产、销售为一体的乐器中外合资公司,公司汇集了内地、香港、台湾、韩国等国际*开发人才,以高度的热情投入开发、以严谨的态度开展生产、以真诚的心完善服务,结合时代的需求、音乐艺术的发展,我们创造了更新颖、更实用、更*的产品,为*艺术事业作出我们的贡献。 我们将秉承“诚信待客,顾客至上”的企业宗旨,坚持发扬“务实 进取 创新”企业精神,不断地推进“以质量求生存,以信誉求市场,以创新求发展”的企业经营理念。 Densun musical instruments Co.,Ltd was found in 2005 in Hongkong and set up the factory in Huiyang in 2010.The company is a sino-foreign joint venture combination of research and development、manufacture and sale. The company bring together the top developer from Mainland China、Taiwan、Hongkong、korea and so on.The staff are full of passion and the work responsible attitude is rigorous.The campany is base on the honest attitute and the perfect service. According to the market demand and the development of the musical art we will create the novel、useful and high quality products and make the combribution to the art. Our commitment is “sincere to customer, customer first”.We will be insist the enterprise spirit of “Pragmatic、Enterprise、innovative”.We should
    广东 惠州市 贝斯弦 代工贴牌  电吉他弦 代工 贴牌  民谣吉他弦(可贴牌)  吉他贝斯校音器 代工  吉他包 代工 贴牌  变调夹  专利夹式吉他校音器  三合一节拍校音器贴牌 
    广东惠州市广东 惠州惠阳 秋水益发工业区
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