• 属地:广东省
  •      本厂主要生产以下规格散装牙签: 1.4mm牙签、1.4mm低档牙签、1.6mm头层牙签、1.6mm二层牙签、1.8mm头层牙签、2.0头层牙签、2.2硬牙签 头层和二层区别 头层:坚韧硬不易折断、少量带青皮、 二层:比较软、不带青皮、单根重量轻 如需各种规格每公斤支数请联系本人   具体价格请联系本人,价格实惠,量大从优。 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 本厂主要生产以下规格包装牙签: 袋装包装:2排10公分 3排14公分 4排16公分 独立支装:塑料膜包 纸质包 一根装 两根装 小卡头袋:40-100根装 各种瓶装 盒装 吊袋装 牙签筒 纸盒装 贴牌代加工 定做OEM 各种包装可定制定做! -------------------------------------------------------------------- 本厂主要生产以下规格竹签: 2.5*200mm 2.0*200mm 其他规格可定做 --------------------------------------------------------------------          各种质量 各种价位 质量稳定 价格实惠 生产周期快         ==========龙门县龙城昌盛牙签厂=========== Longmen County CHANGSHENG toothpick factory(CHINA)                 欢迎来电咨询 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 备注:本厂图片拍摄普通,没有经过美化处理,目的只是为了给客户展现真实的产品质量效果!请多多谅解!       本厂牙签、竹签制品使用天然竹经精心加工打磨后直接成型,毛刺少不易折断,成色自然,请放心使用 -----------------------------------------------------------                               买牙签找昌盛牙签厂                    我们卖的不仅仅是牙签,更多的是诚信、真诚、质量                      *牙签 欢迎出口外贸、批发、经销商合作                     实力优势 货源充足 品质保证 包装定做 贴牌加工                     各种规格 各种档次 各种价格 价格实惠 质量稳定                                     联系我们                                 龙门县昌盛牙签厂                                  邬建华 总经理                                    15767978892                                 472978908@qq.com                             广东省惠州市龙门县龙城街道 龙门县昌盛牙签厂成立于1990年,是一家专业生产牙签、水果签、竹签等竹制品散装、包装的实力加工厂;      本工厂位于广东龙门,坐拥*的地理位置和便捷的交通环境;      本工厂厂房面积约3000多平方米,月产量80吨,年营业额*500万元/年-900万元/年;      本工厂拥有牙签生产机器配套共约70台,竹签生产机器配套共约30台,大型烘干设备1台;      本工厂拥有一批技艺精湛经验丰富的生产员工,为满足各类客户的订单提供了保障;      本工厂生产的产品*、价格合理,多规格多种档次价格选择,受到了广大批发商经销商的一致的认同和肯定;      产品不仅在国内地区热销,还稳定出口至东南亚、*等多个**和地区销售;      本公司秉承“顾客至上,共励共勉”的经营理念,坚持“服务至上 ”的原则为广大客      户提供*的服务。欢迎社会各界前来昌盛牙签厂参观考察、莅临指导,我们竭诚期待与您      的合作。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Our company is a professional manufacturer in China. We mainly response to supply various bamboo toothpick and bamboo stick skewer ,  We h*e an ample supply of goods and our products h*e high quality with the most f*orable price. So our products are sold all over the world. Our company has rich experience of more than 20 years in this line and maintain contacts and relationships with overseas customers from multi-cou*y and regions. We keep improving the quality to provide better products for clients. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 散装牙签 1.4mm牙签  1.6mm牙签 1.8mm牙签 2.0*65mm牙签 2.2mm牙签 2.0mm水果签 2.5mm*200竹签 水果签 牙签肉签 量大从优 价格实惠 牙签工艺品 机制牙签 双尖牙签 单尖牙签 龙门牙签 花签牙签 散装牙签 包装牙签 出口牙签 牙签外贸 竹牙签 精细牙签 粗牙签 毛竹牙签 牙签生产 牙签厂家 牙签批发 广东牙签 贴牌代加工 OEM 牙签定做 牙签定制 牙签加工厂 条装牙签 袋装牙签 牙签筒 瓶装牙签 盒子牙签 塑料牙签 独立支装 排装牙签 *竹制牙签 餐饮牙签 酒店牙签 一次性牙签 坚韧牙签 实惠牙签 牙签肉的做法常用牙签 牙签牛肉常用牙签  Toothpick manufacturers Toothpick supplier Toothpick factory Toothpick wholesalers Toothpick enterprise Toothpick workshop 1.4mm 1.6mm 1.8mm 2.0mm bulk toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick 2.2mm 2.0mm 2.5mm*200 bamboo fruit fruit sign sign sign toothpicks meat large Congyou price mechanism of double tip toothpick toothpick toothpick crafts single sharp toothpick toothpick toothpick Longmen flower sign Bulk packing toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick export bamboo toothpick toothpick toothpick fine trade crude bamboo toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick Guangdong wholesale production manufacturers OEM processing OEM custom custom processing plant toothpick toothpick toothpick bar toothpick toothpick bag Common practice commonly used toothpick toothpicks beef toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick box plastic bottled pack is arranged independently catering hotel dis*able toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick toothpick meat tough benefits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 龙门县昌盛牙签厂家批发1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2牙签水果签竹签定做,联系方式15767978892,规格齐全 价格实惠 薄利多销 龙门牙签加工生产* 批发供应1.3-2.5mm散装牙签 龙门竹签加工生产* 批发供应各种定制定做烧烤签 龙门牙签包装*批发供应盒、瓶、塑纸包、袋装牙签 Longmen toothpick processing production factory direct wholesale supply toothpicks bulk 1.3-2.5mm Longmen bamboo skewer factory direct wholesale supply all kinds of customized barbecue sign Longmen toothpick packing factory direct wholesale supply toothpicks extinguishers carton packaging  
    牙签  竹牙签  包装牙签  出口牙签  散装牙签  龙门牙签  双尖牙签  竹签 
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