  • 属地:广东省
  •      广州保洱福环保科技有限公司是一家集研发、设计、生产及销售为一体的专业环保设备公司。公司拥有高水平的技术人员,对现场设计及产品安装、调试具有丰富的实践经验。 公司根据目前商用厨具市场上各种油烟净化设备存在的不足,自主研发了“保尔福餐饮业油烟净化一体机”。产品自上市以来,深受国内外广大客户的欢迎。公司一直致力于自主研发,不断创新的方向,经我们不懈的研发试验、对“商用油烟净化一体机”进行了具有实质性、创新性设计,并获得了多项研发成果(发明:201110215897.6)、“高新技术产品”“广州市科技创新小巨人企业”等资质认可 。   我们以科学的态度和*的技术为依托,拥有完善的产品质量检验及售后服务体系,具备高质量的客户服务。专业的咨询和跟进,为客户提供*的环保产品,以及VIP服务。 Guangzhou Powerful Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd is a professional environmental protection equipment company which integrating R&D, design, production and sales. The company has a high level of technical personnel  and  has provided  with a wealthy practical experience on design installation and debugging . According to the current defect of catering trade’s cooking fume purification. We have researched and developed Powerful Fume Purification Equipment. The product at home and abroad, both have well   received reputation and warmed  recognition(eg :Qualified Patent in CN 、EU) by the majority of users. We will fucus on hi-tech innovation and  high quality customer service return to our customers from all over the world  constantly.
    商用油烟净化一体机  家用抽油烟机  家用油烟净化机  艾灸艾烟净化一体机 
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