  • 属地:天津市
  •      板材分张器  开开分张 Over the years, KK has been committed to solving the plate separation problem of customers, accumulating indispensable application knowledge and building outstanding technical solutions. This knowledge, combined with extensive research and development, has resulted in a comprehensive sheet separator and sheet separation system that can be adapted to almost any sheet of different thickness that needs to be separated. 多年以来,开开一直致力于解决客户的板材分张问题,积累了不可或缺的应用知识,并构建了杰出的技术解决方案。这些知识与广泛的研发相结合,催生了板材分张器和板材分张系统,几乎可以适应于所有需要分离的不同厚度板材。 Relying on the advanced design technology concept of Germany, KK works on sheet metal separation. It is widely used for magnetic or non-magnetic plate materials, such as sheet steel, stainless steel, aluminum, copper, plastic, chipboard, masonite. and so on. 开开依托德国*设计技术理念,专注于板材分张。开开分张器适用于磁性或非磁性板材料,广泛应用于板类材料的分张,如薄钢板、铝板、铜板、塑料板、石板、刨花板等。
    天津市 天津市 板材分张器  铝板分张器  不锈钢板分张器  铜板分张器  分张系统  塑料板分张器  钛合金版分张器  玻璃板分张器 
    天津市天津市南开区 天津滨海高新区华苑产业区华天道2号
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