• 属地:广东省
  •     珠海金展公司(金展**行及金展**貨運代理)是家經海**署批准,在海**案,工商局註冊的公司。*力雄 厚,*有一支超12年操作經驗的****;設有“**部及物流**部”。是集**、**海運、港澳運輸、集 *箱拖*、*出口空運、速*於一身的多元化公司。金展公司所開展的**完全符合*家法律、法規的規定, 在互惠互利的前提下,*真負責、恪守信用。可為*大沒有*出口*的企*、香港及*內貿易公司、生產*家等 提供“**、安全、*、完善”的物流方案及*出口**服*。 H*ing been authorized by Economic and trade bureau work, registered in customs and Secretary,Hong Kong JinZhan logistics (zhuhai) Co., LTD. is a diversified company specializes in customs clearance, logistics, trailer transprot, international ocean shipping, Macau logistics and Hong Kong imports ect. With efforts, power and professionals with 12-years experience, we established business department to meet clients’ needs. We provide legal, superior, safest, fast and efficient export customs declaration services and Logistics solutions design to who has no right of import and export or no processing trade co*act, domestic commercial companies and factories, under the premise of mutual benefit. 金展主營** 一、***出口**代理服* 代理珠海九洲港/香洲港/橫琴/高*/平沙等**貨物*出口***檢,海運*散貨*出口清*,珠海九洲港/橫琴 /澳*暫出**(ATA)**代理,及提供****等整套**服*。 Agent import and export declarations, inspection operations in customs area including Zhuhai/ Jiuzhou/ Gaolan/ Hengqin/ Pingsha and Macau ATA,and declaration documents etc. 二、***速*、空運服* 香港金展物流公司是一家遍及*的*路成員所組成的*盟*路快*公司, 強*代理了DHL、UPS、Fedex、HKEMS 、等**速*品牌, 旗下多家公司全部*於享*市場的集**爭,貨物運行軌道*全,安全可靠,致力於提供綜 合***用方案,縮短客戶的貿易週期,降低經營成本,提高客戶的市場*爭力。 Jinzhan Corporation commits its expertise in international express, co*ed of network members spread all over the world. We offer customers superior service quality and local knowledge to satisfy their supply chain requirements. Jinzhan, as one of the biggest direct deal agents of the famous express companies like DHL, UPS, Fedex, HKEMS and TNT, provides a range of industry-specific solutions, drives sustainable competitive advantage for our customers by getting their products to market faster and more efficiently. 三、珠三角至**貨|散貨**海運代理服* **海運代理,臺灣/韓*/日本/越南/印巴等*線運輸,*散貨拼箱**海運等。 International shipping agency, Taiwan/South Korea/Japan/Vietnam line international shipping agency, from the pearl river delta to the global(FCL/LCL) . 四、澳**線運輸服* 珠海(全*)到澳**出口運輸,珠海到澳*暫出**運輸,代理珠海跨境工**、澳*一日遊貨物運輸及** 。 Imports or exports between Zhuhai and Macau, bulk packages’ export from Zhuhai to Macau, Temporarily out of recoil from Zhuhai to Macau (ATA), Zhuhai-Macau Cross Border Industrial Zone agency etc. 五、香港*出口*|散貨物流運輸服* 珠海到香港*/散貨*出口海運物流運輸,珠海到香港*路**運輸,香港清*及派送服*,香港快**口等。 Hong Kong transport(FCL/LCL)Imports or exports between Zhuhai and Hong Kong, shipping or ton truck transport from Zhuhai to Hong Kong, Hong Kong imports express. **方式: 服**線:*********、3232813、3232628(10*線) 傳真:********* *公地址1:珠海市南屏针洪湾港貨*碼*综合大樓410-411(現場操作) *公地址2:珠海市香洲*獅山路212*312(**部) Http://www.zh1979.com 自动收录友情链接
    香港DHL UPS  珠海报关公司  珠海国际货运代理  珠海到香港运输  珠海到澳门运输  珠海到**空运/快递  珠海出口报关服务  珠海买单报关 
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