• 属地:广东
  •     深圳市梦幻美艺术有限公司创立于2008年,我们是一个艺术的联合体,汇聚了行业中*的*教授和艺术大师为顾问。拥有专业的艺术研发中心、石雕制作基地、铸铜厂、金属制作厂和综合材料加工基地。我们致力为设计机构,装饰公司,设计师,地产开发商,行政事业单和尊贵品位的您提供专业、贴心的服务。我们经过多年的风雨历程,创造了行业奇迹。在这里一群执着热爱艺术的年青人,用他们的理念和智慧雕琢着生活的美好和向往。您的满意是我们不变的追求,因为我们始终坚持“专业,用心,更出色”.公司集设计开发,生产制作,贸易销售于一体的专业雕塑艺术公司.公司主要从事雕塑艺术品,装饰艺术摆件现代(古代)艺术造型,家居饰品,主题雕塑,环境艺术工程,建筑装饰配件及各种道具模型产品开发设计与生产制作.公司以"无限创意,专业品质,诚信为本"为宗旨,竭诚为广大新老客户提供*的产品和至上的服务,我们热忱欢迎阁下光临和指导 service.After years of wind and rain journey, we created the industry miracle.Here a group of dedicated young people love art, with their ideas and wisdom to carve the life happy and yearning.Your satisfaction is our constant pursuit, because we always adhere to the "professional, attentively, more excellent". The company set design, development, production, trade sales in the integration of professional sculpture company. The company is mainly engaged in sculpture art, decorative art modern furnishing articles (ancient) modelling, household act the role ofing is tasted, theme sculpture, environmental art engineering, architectural decoration accessories and various props model product development design and production. The company to "unlimited creativity, professional quality, integrity-based" for the pur*e, wholeheartedly for the general new old customers with perfect products and supreme service, we warmly welcome your presence and guidance
    广东 深圳市 锻铜 铸铜 铜浮雕  铁艺高端装饰品  铁艺家私 铁艺大门  金属艺术摆件饰品  树脂 玻璃钢雕塑  木雕摆件  广场 公园大型雕塑  不锈钢雕塑 
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