• 属地:广东
  •     深圳市嘉盛源洗涤有限公司成立于2003年,是一家专业生产及销售推广*化学产品的公司。公司严格按照国际*配方和工艺组织生产,按行业规范操作,严格管理产品符合国际卫生标准。公司的专业人员严格按照我们完善的“*服务”西东向客户提供*服务。 公司已拥有各系列产品近百种,基本上可以满足所有不同的特定的需要。在未来的发展计划中,我公司将会精益求精,不段*改良配方及增加品种,以迎合市场的变化需求及保持竞争实力。我们已郑重向客户作出保证新产品质量和服务质量的承诺,我公司*的产品质量和*的*服务将再次验证您的选择! 期待不久的将来,能为阁下服务! Shenzhen Jia Shengyuan Washing Co. Ltd., which was founded in 2003,is a professional company specialized in production and sales of high-quality chemical products. The company abides by the latest international standard with regard to for mulation and production process.It adopts strict management and pursues international health standards.The professional staff commits to provide customers “full service”. The company has various series of products,with nearly a hundred types of prodcts. These can meet all different needs of the customers.In the futurd,the company will continue to refine the products,improve formula,pursue innovation,increase the variety to meet the needs of the market .We solemnly pledge to customers that we will ensure the quality of new products and commit to provide quality service”. We are expecting to provide servicd to you in the future. 深圳市嘉盛源洗涤有限公司 地址:深圳市龙华新区龙化第四工业区2栋 联系人:王道佳 手机:18603049393 13328911992 Q Q:348582971 电话:400-690-2298 电话:********* 36819379 传真:********* 27764736 邮箱:wangdaojia01@163.com 网址:www.jsyxd.com
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