• 属地:广东
  •        佛山市南海大沥歌图金属有限公司(原佛山市南海大沥鼎丰铝业有限公司),成立于1995年,是一家具有现代化生产技术,专业生产建筑铝材,工业铝材,装饰铝材,卫浴铝材和特殊异型铝材的企业。 拓程鼎兴,厚德为丰!公司以*的管理,技术,营销人才,多年的生产经验和技术,*的制造设备,稳定完善的质量管理系统,一如既往不断的研发和*,制造*的产品,满足所有客户的要求。 鼎丰是歌图在行内拥有天花垂片尺寸**全**多的品牌,公司曾参与国内外多个工程项目,并获得良好的口碑。曾参与工程有广州电视塔,广州国际金融中心,上海地铁10号线项目,广州*通,芦乡国际项目,天津地铁3号线项目,中林建材,京基项目,印度尼西亚库宁岸商场天花吊顶系统工程,柳州奇石馆,海口美兰机场,深圳*交易所等等。 Foshan city nanhai dali dinfun aluminum co.,ltd established in 1995,with modern production technology,dinfun aluminum is a professional at production of industrial aluminum ,constuction,decorating materials and special shaped aluminum ect.. with excellent management,technology marketing staff,and many years‘ producing experience and technology,moder manufacing equipments and excellent quality managerment systen,dinfun will develop and innovate further to produce better products to satisfy the demand of customers all over the world. dinfun aluminum has been involved in a number of domestic and international project,also ovtained a good reputation.rensently,project examples such as:guangzhou international finance center,guangzhou tv tower,shanghai metro, tianjin metro line 3 project,indonesia kuningan mall bean grid systern ect..
    广东 佛山市 铝龙骨  铝材散热器  铝挂片  梭形百叶  建筑铝材  天花挂片  地砖压条  LED平板灯框 
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