• 属地:广东
  •     恒升实业(香港)有限公司**早创立于1998年,主要进行塑料*子工*包装,防静电/导电薄膜,电磁*材料、**助剂、透明导电塑料,黑色导电塑料制品等的研发、生产与销售,国际贸易、商务咨询、进出口代理等业务。公司以*求发展,以质量求生存,满足客户的*需求为原则,坚持“新价值合作伙伴”的经营理念,在*制造业基地东莞以及浙江省分别设立加工工场,透过和上下游厂商的紧密结合、协同作业来为客户进一步节省成本、增进效率、快速反应。在客户水平提升、产品生命周期缩短、产业*化的趋势下,我司始终如一的发展客户、供货商、及事业伙伴间的合作关系,建立起良好的供应链管理,使得我司迅速稳健的发展成长。 HESION与多家**企业建立了长期友好的合作关系。HESION为能拥有像您一样的*公司为客户而骄傲,我们会竭力为您提供*质的产品以及服务,成为阁下**忠实的合作伙伴和朋友! Profile: Hesion Technology (HK) Co., Ltd., founded in 1998, mainly for plastic electronics, packaging, film materials, ESD conductive , Carbon Fiber materials, production, international trade, business consulting, import and export agents business. The company innovation and development, with quality of survival, to meet customer demand for the principle of adherence to the "New Value Partner" business philosophy, the establishment of processing plants in China , through, and the close integration of upstream and downstream firms, collaboration, cost s*ings and increase efficiency. Increase in customer demand, product life cycles, industry trend of globalization, HESION persist in developing customers, suppliers, and business co-operation between partners and establish a good supply chain management, allowing our company to grow rapidly, steady development.
    广东 东莞市 塑料包装  工业薄膜  导电新材  电磁屏蔽材料  **抗静电剂  净化文具制品  透明导电涂料  黑色导电塑料 
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