led吸顶灯用铝电解电容器22uf63V6.3*11◆Storage Conditions and Co*ol for Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor. 铝电解电容器存放环境与控制1. 环境温度:5℃~35℃,环境相对湿度:75%以下. Store the capacitor at a temperature of 5℃ to 35℃and at a relativehumidity of less than 75%. 2. 存放环境不应有阳光直射,不宜高温. Store the capacitor in low temperature places free from direct sun shine. 3. 存放环境不能有盐分、油含量高的雾气. Store the capacitor in places free from oil vapor﹑salt water vapor. 4.存放在远离*、*﹑*﹑*﹑*等有害气体含量高的地方. Store the capacitor in places far from toxic gases(chlorine﹑ammonium﹑hydrogen sulfide﹑sulphurous acid﹑nitric acid, etc). 5. 储存环境不能有臭氧﹑紫外线或辐射. Store the capacitor in place free from Ozone﹑ultr*iolet rayor radiation. led吸顶灯用铝电解电容器22uf63V6.3*11标签: 东莞市电解电容器 东莞市电解电容器厂家广东东莞市东莞市电解电容器厂家供应深圳LED射灯厂家批发LED射灯18W外贸品牌